Interim Workshop Gulbenkian Talents in Quantum Technologies
In this workshop, the students from the Gulbenkian Programme New Talents in Quantum Technologies will present the progress on the research projects they are carrying out this academic year.
The Workshop is open to the public, especially to bachelor and master students interested in Quantum Technologies.
Date: Thursday 7 February 2019
Venue: Sala 2, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon.
Registration: Registration is now closed.
Registration is free but compulsory. To request registration in the workshop, please fill in the form by 05/02/2019.
11h00 - Testing quantum behavior in levitated nano particle systems, Francisco Vazão
11h25 - Superconducting qubits: From Ginzburg-Landau to Quantum Computation, Afonso Lamelas
11h50 - Aspects of Quantum Computing Using Anyons, Vasco Esteves
12h15 - Quantum Simulation of Hadronic Systems, Diogo Cruz
12h40 - Break
14h00 - Quantum Key Distribution Through Free-Space, José Diogo da Costa Jesus
14h25 - Privacy in the Quantum World: Towards a Quantum Commitment Protocol, Mariana Gama
14h50 - Quantum routing for the Quantum Internet, Sara Santos
15h15 - Towards Quantum Bayesian Networks, Michael de Oliveira
15h40 - Farewell coffee
The Workshop is open to the public, especially to bachelor and master students interested in Quantum Technologies.
Date: Thursday 7 February 2019
Venue: Sala 2, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon.
Registration: Registration is now closed.
Registration is free but compulsory. To request registration in the workshop, please fill in the form by 05/02/2019.
11h00 - Testing quantum behavior in levitated nano particle systems, Francisco Vazão
11h25 - Superconducting qubits: From Ginzburg-Landau to Quantum Computation, Afonso Lamelas
11h50 - Aspects of Quantum Computing Using Anyons, Vasco Esteves
12h15 - Quantum Simulation of Hadronic Systems, Diogo Cruz
12h40 - Break
14h00 - Quantum Key Distribution Through Free-Space, José Diogo da Costa Jesus
14h25 - Privacy in the Quantum World: Towards a Quantum Commitment Protocol, Mariana Gama
14h50 - Quantum routing for the Quantum Internet, Sara Santos
15h15 - Towards Quantum Bayesian Networks, Michael de Oliveira
15h40 - Farewell coffee
Contact information:
E-mail: phys-info (at)
Telephone: +351-21-841 81 64