Title: LEA - Listening to the Earth under the Atlantic
Speaker: Yasser Omar (IT & IST, University of Lisbon)
Date and time: Friday 5 June 2020
Time: 14:00 Lisbon time
Duration: 40 minutes + Q&A
Event web page: https://www.aircentre.org/netfridays-yasser-omar/
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FAXNyqTZSXqBqlx9hCC2Qg
Further information:
On June 5th, always at 1-2 PM UTC, we will meet Yasser Omar, Professor at IST – Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. He will present LEA – Listening to the Earth under the Atlantic, a pioneering project aiming at developing real-time sensing at the bottom of the Atlantic, namely to monitor the oceanic environment and its relation to climate change, as well as to sense submarine earthquakes live, opening way to novel and more reliable solutions for the early-warning of tsunamis, civil protection, and coastal resilience. The session will be moderated by Jose Barros, Director of External Affairs of ANACOM, which is the Portuguese National Regulatory Authority for communications.